Mali Gorzowiacy

Folk Festival


Folk Festival


Mali Gorzowiacy

The “Mali Gorzowiacy” was established at the Youth Community Centre in Gorzów Wielkopolski in 1981. The members of this group, about 160 persons, are children and youth in the age of 5-22 from the local schools. This group consists of the members in the age of 16 – 22 
Gorzów Wlkp. as a Polish town was inhabited after II world war by Poles from different parts of country. And that's why The “Mali Gorzowiacy” presents folklore of those regions, including their characteristic elements such as: dances, songs, costumes, instrumental band composition, cries, dialects. The group presents Polish National Dances having the special place in the history of our country, as well. Those dances came into existence during the partition of Poland in the nineteenth century. They became the symbol of Polish cultural independence and national spirit. Both musical and dance forms are very developed and make inseparable integrity.