about us

Welcome to International Folk Festival- Nepal

Everest Nepal Cultural Group is hosting
An extraordinary human adventure !

Everest Nepal cultural Group has been organizing “International Folk Festival” regularly every couple spring's months of March. ENCG invites around ten International folklore groups from all continents around the globe with five national folklore groups. The largest international dimension of the folkloric groups / artistic troops welcomed, the formalities undertaken by the authorities of the countries of origin, the cost of transportation, of medical aid, of insurance/ assistance drove the Nepal festivals to regroup in an organisation in order to facilitate the administrative and diplomatic formalities and to share the programming costs of the amateur artists concerned.

The objectives :

The organisation Everest Nepal Cultural Group,“International Folk Festival” while taking into account the needs of its adherents, elaborates every two year a program of the folkloric groups, coming from all continents, so that the set of the groups is welcomed without discontinuity by the different festivals, from the arrival in Nepal to the departure of Nepal, or to other destinations, according to a negotiated suitability with the concerned artists.

Every adherent engages in a festival program. He must ensue a coherent circuit permitting to receive the concerned troops during his festival program. Led solely without lucrative goal by constituted teams of volunteers, this organization wants to be extremely professional and respectful of the ballets that it receives in Nepal. The organisation ENCG, “International Folk Festival” seduces especially by the quality of the groups that it gathers, the sincerity of the meetings, and the festival spirit that it generates.

General The main and vital objective of this program is collect preserve and promote the culture of Nepal and abroad and ultimately to promote the Tourism of Nepal.

- Collection and Exploration of Culture that is existed in abroad. - Collection and Exploration of Nepalese Culture within the country and out of country. - Preservation of Cultural heritage of Nepal. - Promotion of Tourism in Nepal. - Promotion of music, customs, ornaments and ENCG dances of Nepal. To collects different traditional and Folk Dances of Nepal.

ENCG “International Folk Festival” as a promoter, organize Training program for the young and enthusiastic Nepalese, who wanted to devote their lives for Culture. We are trying to preserve the folk dances, songs, music, customs and ornaments of Nepal. We hope that this unique opportunity of this cultural exchange will help to bring the Global Culture under the single roof.

ENCG “International Folk Festival” is expecting about 300 artists of different performing art disciplines from 10 different countries. A little further, we also expect that the culture of Nepal will be advertised in abroad through the respective participants of different country concern. Finally the culture of Nepal certainly going to attract the participant and their countrymen through this conference. Similarly tourism will also be developing, that is one of the main sources of income for Nepalese people.

The organisation :

The choice of the groups is achieved and is confirmed at least one year before the date of the beginning of the“International Folk Festival". The groups, that would be interested to be involved, can make contact with us by electronic mail. They must be composed of adults but no age limits. Each group must have a complete show of a minimal length of thirty minutes and also accept to participate in music parades, and street animations, also to present, if necessary, a shorter program without loosileng any of the vivacity or artistic quality. The retained groups must have a live orchestra and must not use pre recorded music. The group must have minimum twenty artists and maximum forty five.

When the groups contact us, they are not necessarily sure to be booked. ENCG, “International Folk Festival” has several sources of recruitment: the cultural office of the Nepal Embassies, the Nepal Alliance (General Consul) Offices, and the personal contacts that we can have from all over the world with the main folklore festivals.

The group which solicits its involvement must address a complete file of presentation, including a recorded video, colour photos of the group in costumes, a text with a quick presentation of their program and their history, the composition of the group (how many dancers, singers, musicians, organizers).

The journey between the point of origin of the group and Nepal is at the charge of the invited group.

ENCG,“International Folk Festival” receives, every two year, the groups only engaged during the month March. From their arrival on Nepal (airport) the group is taken in charge by ENCG, “International Folk Festival”. A bus will be put at their disposition to transport the group. The group will be lodged in Standard Hotels, good standard of food and the lodging. They will receive three meals a day. They will receive a detailed itinerary of their planning in advance with all details of their program in Nepal. The ENCG, “International Folk Festival” will not be held responsible for any accident, affecting members of the Group or third parties that occur during travel to and from the Festival, whether in Nepal or outside Nepal ENCG, “International Folk Festival” will intervene with the consular authorities of the countries concerned to facilitate the assignment of the visas and to inform the Embassies about the content of the cultural collaboration needs of the group. ENCG, “International Folk Festival” proposes menus adapted to certain regimes, diets or religious cultures. Any special needs of this sort must be notified before their arrival in Nepal. ENCG, “International Folk Festival” wants to make their tours, a privileged opportunity of cultural discovery. Certain tourist sites are planned during the tour. The groups must arrange some souvenirs - gifts, to be exchanged with personalities or Nepalese hosts when you receive the official welcome of town and villages.

In conclusion

ENCG, “International Folk Festival” is a big family whose ramifications continue all over the world. Sadly, we cannot satisfy all demands formulated by the groups that wish to participate in this world festival of folklore. But, we can give the opportunity for these groups to participate one day, all we ask, does a little understand, patience and sense of professionalism.

If you truly want to participate;

May your days,

shine as a full moon

May they bloom, in your life

with the fragrance soon

Behold the conviction

You will be never hurt

Patience will unveil, the cloud of doubt,

Lol, you will fly as a bird, after noon.

Hearty welcome to all our Folklore Friends at the International Folk Festival.